
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis

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    The distribution of my invested attention across softwares within the field of visual communicaiton.

    Adobe Photoshop


    Adobe Illustrator


    Adobe Lightroom


    Adobe Indesign


    Adobe Premiere




    *Distributed attention accross these softwares totals 100%.

    Interpretation statistics skills acquired in 2023 using softwares

    • Range of descriptive statistics [Excell & SPSS]
    • Exploratory Factor Analysis [SPSS]
    • Linear and logistic regression [SPSS]
    • Specific Factor Analysis methods [Factor]

    It is always hard for me to answer the question of who I am. The viable way that I see it, is to try adjust my answer and tell something about myself based on the contextual environment through which I am being perceived.

    My name is Tadej and I come from Ljubljana, Slovenia. I have years of experience in the field of visual communication, that mostly includes graphic design, but also illustrative work, conventional drawing and photography domain. On occasions I had also found myself in other, currently for me, less familiar forms of expression, such as video editing or web coding. That is because in general, I like new challenges and the learning in the process of stepping into the unknown.

    Going further back, as a little boy I was a typical sports enthusiast, skilled at many sports, but expressing most of it in the sports of athletics. I trained running from as early as seven up to the middle high school period, when my physiology did not allow me to anymore continue pursuing a professional career. So, that is the time I slowly switched my interests to the digital design world. Even though the interests had changed, the personality expressed in sports, persisted and has been persisting. That is being passionate, hardworking, detailed, unwilling to quit… That is because much of the individual’s personality is stable through life, as I have learned in the past few years, when delving into new passions of personality psychology and general behavioral science, that followed with philosophical and analytical thinking, all in the purpose of seeking for a glimpse of truth.

    In september 2017, I acquired a Bachelor degree in Graphic and Interactive Communications at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, University of Ljubljana. In the thesis work I co-operated with ZOO Ljubljana, creating an illustrative graphics product targeted for their visitors.

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    In the years I worked and co-operated with various clients, from nutritional shops, to individual clients with small businesses, printing companies and individuals with requirements for their social media pages. Most of my work can be observed on this website, although plenty of commercial content, especially the social media one, is not included in the portfolio. I also ran some personal projects such as managing my own website, big traffic social media page, an etsy shop, etc.

    In 2019, while still continuing my initial study into masters, I also enrolled into a Management master study of Faculty of Economics.

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    Looking for something new, acquiring knowledge in a different field, this was the initial phase of my transformation towards the world of critical thinking. Although I consider myself competent at analytical thinking, I don’t (yet) have an educational paper from any of the behavioral science or philosophy programs. This is why I used the opportunity at this abstract master study to do a scientific research for my thesis within the Personality Psychology, where I could showcase my analytical and critical thinking skills.

    In October 2023, after a full year of dedicated work, when also stepping into advanced statistics, I graduated with a master thesis titled The role of personality and motivational differences impacting the range of distribution across occupational fields and differences in economic outcomes between sexes. Contributing to Personality Psychology, I also improved the Slovenian BFI (Big Five Inventory) personality instrument based on theoretical background and statistical methods, and opened up debates for further advances in the field.

    My plan for the near future is to cover my width of interests from the visually communicative to the behavioral scientific world. I see that opportunity in the context of inventing novel technologies, when both visual communicative skills and the competences in observing and studying human behavior are required.