
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis

    Communicative "awareness" posters

    [University study project]

    Some of my very first posters were created within an university-study work. It’s not work that I am really proud of showcasing, but I think it is not irrelevant when my begginings of creative work started and how I have improved along the way. The instructions for this task were pretty broad and simple: to design posters that are related to some of the many topics that were given to us. Mostly topics that concern some type of societal awareness.


    University study project


    January 10, 2016


    Bikers safety awareness

    Helmet Poster White3 scaled

    Alcohol awareness

    GlassSiren Poster2 MockUP White3 scaled

    Thinking awareness

    ovce final white3 scaled

    Technology evolution

    gameboyplakat 3 white scaled