
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis

    Movie Posters

    Work as part of the University studies, where we designed posters for the movies we watched as part of the course. The instructions were to design a poster with a visual message about the story of the movie. The message should not be too direct, something that is not “on the first ball” (i.e. too superficial, shallow). Besides the movie poster size format, measuring 68.6 cm x 101.6 cm, we were not limited by the visual communication techniques and technology for the design itself.


    March 2018 – June 2018


    University study project



    Siska Deluxe is a story about three male childhood friends who are not quite so young anymore but cannot seem to grow up completely. The three friends decide to turn the workhouse of a dead dressmaker into a pizza restaurant.

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    deluxesiska plakat 02 1 scaled
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    A fashion photographer unknowingly captures a death on film after following two lovers in a park. The fact that he may have photographed a murder does not occur to him until he studies and then blows up his negatives, uncovering details, blowing up smaller and smaller elements, and finally putting the puzzle together.


    Superman agrees to sacrifice his powers to start a relationship with Lois Lane, unaware that three Kryptonian criminals he inadvertently released are conquering Earth.
    Our instruction for the poster was not to be direct with the visual message: creating something related to the Superman and its movie, instead of “just” placing the superman figure.

    supermanII plakat Web scaled
    4 Plakat TheCroods 4 Web1 scaled


    An animated movie about eccentric family of cavemen, who survive the harsh terrain by living accordingly to a strict set of rules. But when their home is destroyed in the wake of an impending disaster known as “The End”, they are forced to leave their home of shelter and security, and into the wilderness of the unknown to find a new home.